Monday, November 3, 2008

Tealightful Monday

Align CenterThe Guest Book
by Carla Muir

When I was young, I'd visit folks
who lived on neighboring streets.
A widow often asked me in 
for tea and pastry treats.

She made me feel special with 
a table set just so,
while she would talk of baking and
how long to raise the dough.

Politely, I would listen although
thoughts would often stray.
Each time I left, I gave my word
I'd come another day.

Before I went to college
she asked that I stop by.
she opend up her old gues book
while trying not to cry.

Then as she paged through many years,
in pen I saw my name.
For she had written in that book
the days and times I came.

"You won't learn this in textbooks,"
she softly said to me ----
"how you can lift another's soul
with just a cup of tea."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it! I hope you had a wonderful day off!

Excited to hear how Joyful did!

I'm glad you're back...or working toward it!

I've missed you!!!!!
