Monday, June 23, 2008


Wow - I love summer! Things are so relaxed, schedules there really are no schedules and things seem to move at a slower more relaxed pace.

When Joyful and Psymon were younger, summer was full of activities, the water park and play dates. Now the two are older summer is a little slower and a whole lot easier. Joyful is driving and getting around as long as she has a car available to use or friends who are willing to offer her a ride (no she does not have her own). Both of the kids are old enough to be dropped at the movies (I don't have to go with them) the water park, golf course or mall with friends. It seems to free up my time. Now don't think I am complaining about previous summers they were wonderful, in fact I miss those days at the water park working on my tan. I really don't have one yet this summer. But you see each "phase" has its benefits and I am enjoying the phase I am in right now.

To give you an example, I should have been cleaning my house this afternoon. Its not really dirty but could use a spruce up, but Joyful was at the mall and Psymon was playing golf and I had a really good book just calling me to finish it. So I popped a bag of popcorn, poured myself a big glass of Tea Java (the only iced tea in the world) and sat in my favorite chair and read my book to the finish! What a great book. I am a huge Mary Higgins Clark fan and I had just picked up her latest book from the library on Saturday. I needed to finish that book, it was begging to be finished. I had to know who had committed the crime. Just so you know the end did not disappointed. It was a great read. Ah the joys of summer! A quite house, popcorn, tea java and a good book - summer does not get any better!

Mrs. Potts

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you! I came home from errands, kicked back in the chair...started reading, and then sat my book down on my chest (open) and fell asleep for 3 hours!

I guess you could say I love summers too, when there aren't as many things to do, and it's OK to just zonk out!

Now...what do I make for dinner?