Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I Know I Am Feeling Better Because

1- Tea tastes good once again!

2- I am thinking of eating something for dinner tonight that is not chicken broth/soup or jello.

3- I am dressed, fixed my hair, put my contacts in and put on a smidgen of make-up.

4- I have spent the day cleaning my house - it looks so good! I don't know how it gets so dirty so quickly but it does.

5- I am blogging again and made a few changes to my blog page. Be sure to check out the Michael Buble videos I added. I think he is just awesome. I saw him in concert and I would pay and go again in a heart beat. Yes I am just a little over the top concerning Michael.

6- I am disappoint that with this illness and lack of eating the scale is telling me I have lost not a single pound. I think the scale is wrong.

7- I think I will venture out of the house tomorrow and do something fun. I am not sure what, but it will be nice to be out of the house for a bit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once you are feeling closer to 100% we should have a TEA PARTY! I am so glad you are feeling a little better!

Life is good! I have really missed my buddy!