Monday, September 29, 2008


So I have been thinking a lot about attitude lately.  Where do our attitudes come from?  Can they change in an instant?  Are we in control or our attitudes or are they say a cause and effect type thing.  Meaning what is going on around us causes our attitude?  My other thought is could it be a combination of them.  Do I have control over my attitude,  I like to think I do.  If I do have control then I can let or not let outside circumstances effect it.  I suppose its kind of like looking at the glass as half full or half empty.  Depending on what you think it will determine your attitude.  

You may wonder why I have been thinking about this - well to be honest I have found my attitude all over the map if you will of late. I also find it changing depending on where I am and who I am interacting with.  Why is that  -  why can't I have a stable attitude.

My question dear readers if there are any of you out there is -  What are your feelings regarding attitude and what do you do to maintain a good healthy positive attitude.  I would love to know.

I need to go ponder this somemore over a cup of tea.  Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me -  see I have a positive attitude that some one or some ones will leave a comment.


Mrs. Potts


Anonymous said...

Tag! You're it! :)

Hope you will play!

Anonymous said...

I found this about Attitude this morning.

Attitude is the way you mentally look at the world around you. It is how you view your environment and your future. It is the focus you develop toward life itself.

Author Unknown

...I think I personally need to change my attitude.