Monday, September 29, 2008


So I have been thinking a lot about attitude lately.  Where do our attitudes come from?  Can they change in an instant?  Are we in control or our attitudes or are they say a cause and effect type thing.  Meaning what is going on around us causes our attitude?  My other thought is could it be a combination of them.  Do I have control over my attitude,  I like to think I do.  If I do have control then I can let or not let outside circumstances effect it.  I suppose its kind of like looking at the glass as half full or half empty.  Depending on what you think it will determine your attitude.  

You may wonder why I have been thinking about this - well to be honest I have found my attitude all over the map if you will of late. I also find it changing depending on where I am and who I am interacting with.  Why is that  -  why can't I have a stable attitude.

My question dear readers if there are any of you out there is -  What are your feelings regarding attitude and what do you do to maintain a good healthy positive attitude.  I would love to know.

I need to go ponder this somemore over a cup of tea.  Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me -  see I have a positive attitude that some one or some ones will leave a comment.


Mrs. Potts

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Lack of Blogging

I realize it has been sometime since I have blogged. I have been reflecting on that and feel there are numerous reasons for that. I thought I would share a few of them at this time.
  • I am working and find I have less time to blog and less to blog about as more of my time is spent at work and not at home.
  • I have been writing in a journal - yes actually hand writing my thoughts in a book.
  • My thoughts are more personal and I don't want to put them on a board for public reading.
  • I have been struggling a bit with work and our exchange student. I want my blog to be a positive place full of hopefully uplifting things. Not a place to complain and vent.

So having said that, its time to fix another cup of tea.

Mrs. Potts