Sunday, November 25, 2012

This and That

This is not an original idea.  I borrowed it from headless mom at  Hope she does not mind.  

1. Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
2. Morning or Night: Morning
3. Eating in or Out: Out -  no clean up!
4. Cats or Dogs: Dogs
3. Apple or Windows: Windows
4. Store bought or homemade cookies: Homemade
5. East coast or West Coast: West Coast
6. Night out or night in: Night out
7. Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
8. Laundry or Dishes: Dishes
9. Football or Baseball: Football 
10. Reality TV or Sitcom: Sitcom
11. Electronic reader or paperback: leaning more to my electronic reader these days
12. Facebook or Twitter: Facebook
13. Eloping or Wedding: Wedding
14. Math/Science or Language Arts: Language Arts
15. Salt or Pepper: Salt
16. Friday or Sunday: Sunday
17. Movie theater or rentals: Lately Movie theater 
18. Paper newspaper or online news: Paper
19. Valentine's Day or Thanksgiving: Thansgiving
20. Oscars or Grammy's: Oscars
21. Gas stove or electric: Gas
22. Gold or Silver: Gold
23. Coke or Tea: TEA!
24. City or Country: City
25. Diamonds or Pearls: Pearls
26. Peanut butter or Jelly: Jelly
27. Colors or black/white: Colors
28. Online shopping or actual shopping: actual shopping
29. College or High School: College
30. Breakfast or Dinner: Breakfast
31. Make up your own This or That for readers to answer in the comments section!
32. Rain or Snow:  Rain

If you do this on your blog let me know so I can see your responses.  Have fun!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Turning 50

Less than a month ago I celebrated my birthday and turned 50.  I at times find it hard to believe that I am actually 50 years old.  I don't feel 50 and I don't thinking I look or act 50.  But what I do know is in turning 50 (aka 1/2 century)  I should be entitled to certain rights of passage. Things that I no long have to deal with.  If I had my way turning 50 would eliminate:

  • Zits  -  they should not be allowed any more
  • Weight Gain  -  I should be able to eat what I want and not gain a pound 
  • Cold Sores
  • Gray Hairs
  • Shaving -  it really must go!
Life should be so much easier now.  I simply should not have to deal with the above after spending 50 years here on earth.