Sunday, November 25, 2012

This and That

This is not an original idea.  I borrowed it from headless mom at  Hope she does not mind.  

1. Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
2. Morning or Night: Morning
3. Eating in or Out: Out -  no clean up!
4. Cats or Dogs: Dogs
3. Apple or Windows: Windows
4. Store bought or homemade cookies: Homemade
5. East coast or West Coast: West Coast
6. Night out or night in: Night out
7. Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
8. Laundry or Dishes: Dishes
9. Football or Baseball: Football 
10. Reality TV or Sitcom: Sitcom
11. Electronic reader or paperback: leaning more to my electronic reader these days
12. Facebook or Twitter: Facebook
13. Eloping or Wedding: Wedding
14. Math/Science or Language Arts: Language Arts
15. Salt or Pepper: Salt
16. Friday or Sunday: Sunday
17. Movie theater or rentals: Lately Movie theater 
18. Paper newspaper or online news: Paper
19. Valentine's Day or Thanksgiving: Thansgiving
20. Oscars or Grammy's: Oscars
21. Gas stove or electric: Gas
22. Gold or Silver: Gold
23. Coke or Tea: TEA!
24. City or Country: City
25. Diamonds or Pearls: Pearls
26. Peanut butter or Jelly: Jelly
27. Colors or black/white: Colors
28. Online shopping or actual shopping: actual shopping
29. College or High School: College
30. Breakfast or Dinner: Breakfast
31. Make up your own This or That for readers to answer in the comments section!
32. Rain or Snow:  Rain

If you do this on your blog let me know so I can see your responses.  Have fun!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Turning 50

Less than a month ago I celebrated my birthday and turned 50.  I at times find it hard to believe that I am actually 50 years old.  I don't feel 50 and I don't thinking I look or act 50.  But what I do know is in turning 50 (aka 1/2 century)  I should be entitled to certain rights of passage. Things that I no long have to deal with.  If I had my way turning 50 would eliminate:

  • Zits  -  they should not be allowed any more
  • Weight Gain  -  I should be able to eat what I want and not gain a pound 
  • Cold Sores
  • Gray Hairs
  • Shaving -  it really must go!
Life should be so much easier now.  I simply should not have to deal with the above after spending 50 years here on earth.  

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Empty Nest

Well just sent my youngest to college this past week.  Should have plenty of time to start blogging again.  Hope to become a regular blogger here on my sight.  Tea and blogging is a good combination!